Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Alaska Glaze.......

It's Wednesday, July 23 and we all have the "Alaska Glaze" going on right now. The"AG" is that stare you see in people's eyes and that blank look they give you. It comes from the sun being out all day, except for the 12 days in a row it rains.

It's raining again today......actually, the weather has it raining in some form or another for the next 6-8 days. I know, the south is experiencing record heat and drought conditions and I should be thankful for the rain. It's just a little hard to play baseball in the rain.

We were tied 2-2 in the 7th with the second place team last night and it rain of course. The game was suspended and it is raining today. It now looks like we might be rained out tomorrow which will force us to stay two extra days in Anchorage, play a DH on Friday, leave Anchorage around 3am and play another DH on Saturday at 5pm in Fairbanks. What a cruel joke!

It is cool and not 100 degrees so I need to be thankful I guess. Plus I am here with family, friends and a bunch of Alaskans.........

Corwin(discipler) left today for Florida, his hometown. He will get back with the Miami Dolphins soon and start the NFL season in another month I guess. He did a really good job as has all of the disciplers. His last session was on worship and how Christians should approach worship. It was really good and got good interaction with the guys.

He talked about how our view of God must expand if we are to worship Him faithfully. He also provided four "must haves" for good worship:
2-public expression

The challenge set forth from our disciplers this summer(Bruce, Mike & Corwin) have all been met head on by all of us on the team.

Well, it's off to the stadium for another rain out. I will try and post some photos tonight when I get back. I think our team is going bowling if we do get rained out tonight. That should be fun.


Anonymous said...

So ... it was raining most of the time before I arrived up there, and we had sunshine each of the 7 or 8 days that we were together (though I had rain a couple times when I was off on my own), and now it's raining all the time again.
If I thought it would help, I'd come up there again. :-)
Hang in there!

And if K&K are bouncing off the walls, have them write up a blog entry. 'might be entertaining for us, and keep them busy. And btw, my travelog is still-incomplete, having text for most days, but photos only for Jul.7-10.
(If nothing else, you should read my title for Fri.Jul.11th.)

Anonymous said...

I know you are kinda tired of the rain but when you get home and see how hot and dry it is here you will probably be glad to see some rain. Going from 50 degrees to 100 degrees will be a shock also, but know you are all tough and can adapt. Love you all